Lapointe, Robin - Obituaries |

Lapointe, Robin


1965 - 2024

Robin Lapointe

July 21, 1965 – June 4, 2024


Robin passed away due to kidney failure on June 4, 2024 at the age of 58.


He leaves to mourn his wife Lynn Tear and son Pierre-Elliot. Son of the late Réjean Lapointe, Robin also leaves to mourn his mother Monique Létourneau, brothers and sisters (and partners) – Pierre, Sylvain, Manon, Marco, Martine, Eric, and many uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews. He leaves to mourn all of his ‘out-law’ family – as he so teasingly called them. Robin will be missed by many friends across Canada and the USA. To name each family and friend would fill a book.


He was deeply sensitive, intuitive, resourceful, efficient, punctual, protective, expressive and authentic. He did not ‘fit the box’ and made no apologies for it. He was poignant, funny, fearless and courageous. We all loved his fancy chocolates and pastries, pizza and bread from his home-made pizza oven, homemade brooms, etc. He spent time in the Canadian Navy and Coast guard, become a long-haul trucker, studied and worked in plumbing and accounting. He will also be remembered for building his own covered wagon (camper) and his team of mules, his Summer Camp cooking and most recently bingo calling at the Manoir St-Francis. Life sure was an adventure.


He’ll be remembered for his amazing storytelling, outstanding cooking and incredible love for people. He held his possessions and time with an open hand and would ‘give the shirt off his back’ many times over. His faith in the Lord changed his life, encouraged and inspired many.


There will be a celebration of life at Hope Community Church (102 Queen St, Sherbrooke) on June 23rd (Sunday) at 2pm. The family will attend a private burial at a later date.

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12 messages received

Lynn Tear et à la famille

Que Dieu notre Sauveur vous entoure de son amour dans ces moments de tristesse.

May my support
warm your heart
Benoit Rochette et Irène Roberge, June 12, 2024


so sorry to hear the passing our your husband
Myself and mom send our sincere sympathy to you and your family
Mom sure enjoyed attending Bingo on Sunday evenings when she was a
resident at the Manor and Robin did the calling.
Our prayers are with you during this time of sorrow
Margaret and Nancy Vintinner

May my support
warm your heart
Nancy, June 12, 2024

The family

My sympathy to the family during this sad time
Donna Bray

Donna , June 13, 2024



KEN MARIE JOHNSON, June 13, 2024

Lynn and family

Wishing you love, peace, and comfort. May they wrap you in their warm embrace during this difficult time. Sending you hugs, my friend.

May my support
warm your heart
Julie Lussier, June 13, 2024

Lynn Tear and son Pierre- Elliot

The stars above will certainly shine brighter with the love Robin left behind. Cherish the moments shared for they are life's treasures. In your loss find strength to embrace life's journey. Remember Robin with smiles and laughter, that's what he would want. Hugs to you and your family. Linda Pelser

Linda Pelser, June 14, 2024

Lynn and Pierre-Elliot

Our deepest sympathies go out to you on the passing of Robin. We are so pleased to have known him through church and as part of our Life Group. What an amazing man with such a talent for humour, story telling and a sincere love for others! We hope you are comforted by knowing that Robin is now ‘home’, at peace, and no longer suffering!

Jackie and Don Loughheed, June 15, 2024

Lynn and the family

All our sympathies to you and the whole family. Praying for the comfort of the Holy Spirit at this time.

Yannick & Aquila Tendon, June 18, 2024

Toute la famille

Nos plus sincères condoléances.

Lucie Hébert-Danielle Hébert-Fernand St-Louis, June 22, 2024

Lynn and family

Peiner d'apprendre le décès de ton conjoint Robin,à voir sa description de ses qualités. Je suis sûr qu'il a donné le meilleur de lui a ses proches et que la maladie est ingrate mais il ne souffre plus.Puisse le temps alléger la peine que vous ressentez chère Lynn et Pierre-Elliot!

Clemence Beauchesne, July 31, 2024

Lynn and family

Peiner d'apprendre le décès de ton conjoint Robin,à voir sa description de ses qualités. Je suis sûr qu'il a donné le meilleur de lui a ses proches et que la maladie est ingrate mais il ne souffre plus.Puisse le temps alléger la peine que vous ressentez chère Lynn et Pierre-Elliot.Mes sympathies! xx

Clemence Beauchesne, July 31, 2024

Lynn and Pierre-Elliot

Mes sincères sympathies de Oncle Yves Belanger et familles!xx

Yves Belanger, July 31, 2024

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